Tuesday, September 25, 2007
No your vote doesn't count
In 2000 Al Gore actually received more votes total than George Bush, but thanks to the system established by the Constitution, George Bush won the election. It has happened before, and changes have been made because of it. I think that the only changes that need to be made are education of the people, and then the states who actually send the electors in the electoral college can reflect the views of the people more accurately. I believe if all of the states used the "Maine method" than it would be more consistent with what the founding fathers anticipated.
When you cast your vote in the Presidential election, you are not voting for that person, but rather you are voting for representation in the electoral college. In every state except two, Maine and Nebraska, the popular vote of that state gains ALL of the electoral college votes for that state. In 2000, the Florida vote which was won by George Bush by only a few thousand votes actually gave him a swing of 54 out of 538 total votes in the electoral college. I think it is severly flawed, and the Constitution needs amended. All a candidate really needs to win now is to win California (55 votes), Texas (34), New York (31), Florida (27) Illinois (21), Pennsylvania (21), Ohio (20), Michigan (17), Georgia (15), New Jersey (15), and North Carolina (15), that ticket would have 271 votes, which would be enough to win, no matter what happens in the rest of the country. I believe that if all of the states were on the "Maine method" the conservative vote would have counted MORE, and George Bush would still have been elected. Here is a link that describes the system in detail.
I believe that the President of the United States should be elected partly by the representatives in the legislatures of each individual state. Local elections would mean more, and the federal government would be more subject to state oversight. In other words, my local representative in my state congress would not only represent me in the state, but they would also represent me in the election of the President of the United States. Plus each congressional district could have one vote by majority. If it were possible to have a 25-25 tie, than the State govenors would be given a vote, and if there was another tie (almost impossible) then the congress could vote, then the senate, then the supreme court.
Saturday, September 22, 2007

Go Ron Paul!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Wake UP People!
It fry’s me that I am now considered a liberal because I think this war was and is stupid. We were not attacked by Iraq! Why have we thrown away our Constitution and attacked a sovereign country out of fear? It is retarded to sit in a corner and worry if you are not Republican, or that you are not Conservative, or that you do not support the troops, if you hate this stupid war in Iraq. What happened to our country? Why are we so afraid? Why don’t people use their brains? Why don’t we understand?
“Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing” – Dwight D Eisenhower
“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself” - Franklin D Roosevelt
“Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither Liberty nor safety.” -Benjamin Franklin
Now who’s afraid of the big bad terrorist, and why? What is with this fear that it will happen again in our country? And what about these tree huggers, and their fear of global warming? Get over it people! Do the best you can, and require that your government let you. Quit hiding behind big brother, hoping that he will save us from these boogie monsters. Our country was founded on the principle that the citizen owned the government, not the other way around. “Mind your own business” was our motto. Don’t let 19 terrorist’s, and whoever was funding and supporting them, make you give up your freedom, or privacy! NO, not in the slightest bit! The Patriot Act is a terrible answer to such an attack. Yes there was a terrorist attack in 2001, yes it was a big deal, but we as a country should be stronger and not weaker because of it. We as individual Americans should be more determined to be free, and independent, and secure. If we really are, why are you so afraid of another attack? If our resolve was not broken, why are you afraid? Why have you let them take away your sense of security?
I personally have not let them, and I will not let them, conquer me. I am LESS afraid of terrorist’s now than I was pre-911. Call that whatever you want, but I call you fearful wimps’ cowards! Burn that stupid miss-named “Patriot Act”, and Get out of Iraq, NOW! Let the puppet government we have set up take responsibility for what happens now. Let them nationalize the oil. Sell them supplies, and weapons, and then buy oil from them. If there is internal fighting, get out of it! Let them handle it, they are not children. They will never be a sovereign nation until they take care of their own. Let them do it! If we have military servicemen or contractors who have committed crimes there, let them be punished there, by their laws, even if they get executed for it. There will never be a free and democratic Iraq, unless they as a people do it themselves. So GET OUT! (Or make it a state, with representation in OUR government)
Government doesn’t give us our rights, the Constitution doesn’t give us our rights; God gives us our rights. The only good government is one who protects rights, not dictates rights. And anyone who thinks anyone else in the world should have fewer rights than they have is one who supports slavery. Think about it!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I am not like you
Never has the people of the United States been more split in opinion than now. 9-11 Unified us for a moment, but then the continuing Iraq war has devided us more than ever. It is interesting that a majority of Democrats voted to go take out Iraq, but then changed their minds after a while. It is interesting that a majority of Republicans criticized the Bosnian war, but now support the Iraq war. As if it is not the principle of the thing rather than who the boss is that makes the difference. The two parties do not care, really, about their own principles. When I say care, I mean put their money where their mouth is.
I have never liked the fact that the government owns me economically. That it was a matter of law for me to report every nickel that I make to a government agency called the IRS. But as an American, I feel the duty to pay taxes. After all I am represented, right? I am amazed that my citizen representatives actually allowed or made this happen! I have been interested in monitary policy and how it came to be ever since I first realized that I had to file my tax return in detail and sign it, or face criminal charges.
I have a prospective that is unique, a background that is one in a hundred million, and a desire to share.